Guardian Pharmacy of South Georgia recently attended the SPADD’s (Service Providers Association for Developmental Disabilities) 14th Annual Conference in Augusta.
The conference was a two-day event that took place on May 1-2, 2017.
The conference began with an opening session from Frank Pastizzo on how to “Warm Up the Workplace,” which was filled with ways to enhance the performance of employees/residents/customers. Pastizzo stated that each human being has four senses (Belonging, Freedom, Power, Fun). He went through each sense in depth and explained how improving each of those senses affects the quality of another human’s life.
This conference was filled with many more speakers, including Amy Lutz, who presented on Strategies to Challenge Restrictive Policies Affecting Adults with I/DD. Presenters also included Derrick Dufresn, who talked about Managing Change to Create a Values-Based Organization, DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, and many more.
If you would like more information on SPADD please visit their website by clicking here.